When I first decided to be debt free, I was very much scared and frustated and most importantly very confused that how to be a debt free person and once I became debt free, how did I managed to not go back in debt?
I knew I had to change my entire lifestyle. The way I used to spend had to completely change but I was ready for it. That’s when I started reading different blogs to know what are debt free people’s habits and how to adopt their lifestyle and become a debt free person. That’s when I got to know few habits of debt free people.
Stick To A Budget
Ofcourse it’s not a secret that you want to be a debt free person, the best way to begin is to allocate a budget to yourself on monthly basis. This will help you in paying your debt as soon as you get extra money. I know it’s difficult to sticking to a budget but I promise it’s not impossible.
Don’t Eat Out Every Day
Going out to eat food on restaurants every day will be expensive enough! Like when you’re going to restaurant you’re paying for convenience. Yes, I know it’s a happy feel when you get food served but also it’s costly when you add it all. If you want to save hundreds of bucks every month, I would suggest you to make a meal plan for everyday different dishes and limit other grocery items or limit yourself how many times a week you will go to a restaurant or not going at all.
Save Money
There will a day come when you’re retired. If you’re not saving money for your retirement, dont be too late to start doing it. It is the right time to do so you can pay off your debt and save money for retirement at the same time.
And maybe in a year you would be able to buy branded clothes, spend money on food and possibly go to vacations.