Millennial Finance Guru Thu, 01 Jul 2021 15:43:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Millennial Finance Guru 32 32 How To Start Writing A Budget Thu, 01 Jul 2021 15:26:19 +0000 Writing a budget for the first time ever is a difficult but not an impossible task though. There’s everything to remember and you might face problem in knowing where to start. I promise you people that it will be make your life easier and it is not difficult as it sounds.

First of all you will have to plan a budget for the entire month. It’s a nice thought as well if you use the same budget for next few months too, but to be very honest it’s not much realistic because things don’t go exactly what you think but at least you can try. You know every month is different in terms of holidays, birthdays and so on.

If you’re married and a father/mother of couple of kids I personally suggest you to start writing a budget for every month together with your partner. Creating budgets together increases communication and understand with your partner. Furthermore, any one of you is spending much or going out of the budget one can give a polite reminder as well. Following are few steps for writing a budget.

Calculate your monthly income

First thing to do is note down the monthly income you’re bringing at your home every month and the money you’re bringing after taxes and insurance is your net income. If there are two incomes coming into your home then add them together and write it down to exactly know the net income coming in the house.

Calculate your monthly expense

This is the main part of writing a budget that requires much attention and energy. Take out some time and start writing. These should include following things:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Medical bills
  • Groceries
  • Restaurants
  • Savings
  • Gifts
  • Debt payments
  • Transportation

Personal care

Total up your expenses

Before summing up your all expenses make sure you don’t miss out anything in writing your monthly expenses. Don’t forget mentioning birthday gifts in your monthly expenses that your kids are invited to. Once you’ve covered everything sum up all your expenses.

Few Items To Cut From Your Budget Tue, 29 Jun 2021 15:42:15 +0000 Experiencing trouble in making ends meet. Don’t worry you’re not the only one facing it according to Forbes, nearly half of Americans are living a life of paycheck to paycheck. If you want to change your life you need to cut few items from your budget in order to save for future. If you are in need of extra money in the end of the month, try cutting off these expenses.

Out For Lunch

I love picking up lunch outside myself but I don’t make it a habit. Because spending $15-$20 spending every time lunch for even thrice a week can be expensive. You can save hundreds of dollars each month by simply bringing lunch from home to your work. Try making your lunch in advance like take Sunday to make lunch for the entire week. This is kind of easy thing to grab your lunch box and straight out to the work.


You can save up to $50 a month if you say good bye to the cable. I myself got rid of cable when Netflix arrived. People thought we were weird that we cut off cable and switched to Netflix soon many realized and did the same.


It’s much easy to spend on entertainment more likely if you have kids in the home. If you feel like to entertain your kids go for DVD’s rather than spending much more on movies. You can even make popcorn yourself at home and maybe cuddle on the couch. When it comes to another kind of entertainment checking festivals in your area or maybe explore a new area or go for hiking or fishing. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

You save save enough money on entertainment through Groupon. It is a website which provides vouchers. These vouchers can save you money through sales. These are although a good way of saving hundreds of dollars on local things you can do in your life.

Few Habits That Make You Broke Tue, 29 Jun 2021 15:10:40 +0000 Everyone of us posses good and bad habits when it comes on spending money. But few habits are worse than the others because they make you broke. I know I have been breaking all of these bad habits in past. To keep you living a life where you don’t become broke and has enough cash to face any sort of emergencies or maybe retire one day.  Make sure that you avoid these habits to stay wealthy.

You aren’t setting goals

Setting goals is very necessary for every person. Without a plan you wouldn’t know where to spend how much. Setting up financial goals helps you know what you’re towards and will have a track on money. They make it possible to achieve your dreams and they give you a clear vision of what you want to achieve and notify a dead end.

When you’re planning goals do mention long and short term goals as well. Short term goals ranges between a year to three years and long term goals ranges five years to ten years. You can set weekly and monthly goals as well. I know that I started from making weekly goals and then monthly and so on. I was focusing on my money more than ever.

Skipping budget and delaying for next month

Have frequently has you told yourself that you will that you will start writing budget from next month.  Every time you tell yourself that you will just start over from next month, every time you’re robbing yourself and delaying the golden opportunity to stay wealthy. You need to start thinking about the unexpected moments which means you go in the month knowing that something might occur.  When you will start thinking about it you will be better prepared to face that situation. When you start feeling the need of writing it next month. It’s the time to write a mini budget cause they also play an important role in changing lifestyle. They are the budgets that you write to last you from today to the next month.

How To Pay Off Debt While Living Paycheck To Paycheck Sat, 26 Jun 2021 09:19:47 +0000 Are you fed up of sending all your money earned to debt while living paycheck to paycheck?

If you’ve taken the time to sit down and write how much money you’ve to pay towards your debt, you might get sick. I myself was in shock for the first time when I totaled the amount to pay my debt payments.

My minimum debt was more than my mortgage. I hated myself for living paycheck to paycheck taking care of other family members and all every single month. I had a very little savings and for God forbid any of emergency occurs I would have to borrow money from someone. Can you relate to his? The best news for now is that I’ll be telling few things to stop living a life of paycheck to paycheck.

If you’re sick of working 40 hours a week and paying all your money to your student loans or car loans, then it’s the right time to make a change and stop taking further loans.

What actually means by “Paycheck To Paycheck”?

It’s likely when someone says they live paycheck to paycheck which means that they are waiting for their next salary to arrive without it they have nothing to spend. They won’t be able to pay their bills or feed themselves or their family. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck you’re not only the one living the same life, but there are 75% of US workers currently living a life of paycheck to paycheck and the good news is that you don’t have to live a life like this forever.

Write A Budget

Writing a budget is the initial step to stop living a life of paycheck to paycheck. People who write a weekly or monthly budget are more likely to be successful with their life. It’s because they are taking care of their expenses and the truth is that you’re giving a direction to your money while writing a budget. You’re not in the charge of money although the money is in your charge. You want to plan a vacation? No issues, add a vacation fund to your budget as well. I know writing a budget can be tricky in the first but when you’re write and follow the budget for the first few months you will be expert enough to write a budget that matches your lifestyle.

Multiple Ways To Save Money For Christmas Fri, 25 Jun 2021 12:23:02 +0000 If you are thinking to start saving for Christmas, It’s never too late just start doing it by today. You must financially prepared to Christmas in order to avoid experiencing a stressful Christmas. Here are few tips to save money for Christmas.

Create a Christmas Savings account.

Calculate the amount you want to save for Christmas

Christmas should be enjoyed with happiness and joy. As studies shows that more than 50% people are in stress over Christmas due to financial problems. Many years ago I didn’t saved a single penny for Christmas. Rest of the months of year something always popped up seeming more urgent. We had medical bills, credit card bills and school fees. No part of me was able to save money for Christmas. I couldn’t afford gifts and I knew I didn’t want to make the same mistake again! Christmas should never be stressful. As long as you plan in advance to save money for December all kind of stress must fade away.

The moment you start saving for Christmas, the first thing you should do is set up a Christmas savings account for the holidays. Having a specific savings account for holiday spending will more likely save you enough money. Moreover, you can easily track how much amount of money you have saved yet for the holidays. Many banks allow you to have multiple savings accounts connected to your paycheck account. You should be easily able to transfer funds to your savings account just through a click of a button and when it’s Christmas time you can transfer funds back to your main account by just a click.

You must calculate your money because it’s easy to just overspend when you don’t know how much you should be spending on an each gift. I know this because I’ve been through this. Before you start shopping for Christmas, you should make a Christmas budget to not overspend on any gift. To do so make a list of every person you want to buy gift for and set a budget for how much you want to spend for their gift. Sum up all the amount you will be spending on the overall gifts and then set aside the money you will be spending on the decorations and other activities.

Few Items That Will Save Your Money Fri, 25 Jun 2021 12:00:23 +0000 When we bought a house, I was very much worried about the expense that we had to purchase for the new house. Everything related to yard, new furniture and all to set our new house. As a newly married couple we always lived in small apartments, so yard was my first experience to take care of. I was so upset with the price of lawnmower when we first went to buy it, it was quite expensive anyways, we ended buying a cheap one though. Well, that backfired, we bought an expensive one the next summer.

I am glad that the lawnmower we bought last for more than five years and still counting. I have learned in my life that sometimes you have to buy something expensive that will actually last long and help you save your money rather than buying same item again and again on cheap price. Here are few things that you might want to buy in order to save your money.


Having a lunchbox daily means that you will not eat your lunch out. Image just eating once or twice out in a week will help you save around $50-$60 each week. Not only it will save your money but home food will make you healthier.


If you’re a TV lover, you might want to subscribe for Netflix since I don’t have any cable channels. I don’t like feel I’m missing something out I can watch everything on Netflix though. It barely costs me $15 each month for the Netflix services.

Water bottle

There’s no hidden fact that a water bottle can save you lot of bucks over time. If you’re buying one pack of water bottles for each week it will cost you around $150. It doesn’t sound much for a time being but if you calculate it for 4 or 5 years it will cost you around $650-$700. Imagine just buying reusable water bottles twice a year it would save money and much better for the environment as well.

How To Avoid Living Paycheck To Paycheck Thu, 24 Jun 2021 09:46:59 +0000 If you are living a life of paycheck to paycheck then you must be frustated waiting for paycheck to come desperately. I have experienced the same back my whole life till I managed stop living paycheck to paycheck. There comes a day when you don’t have a single penny in your current around and still there’s a week for paycheck to come. The anxiety game begins at that time. What if something unexpected happens how would I manage? I felt like any emergency would just happen at any time when I’m broke. I used to keep checking my account for paycheck to arrive.

Can you relate to this as well? Don’t hesitate to follow these steps to make yourself out of this paycheck to paycheck life. Here are few things you can follow to change your best financial life.

Never give up on a budget

Without mentioning about a budget in this article would have left the article incomplete. I used to think budgets were for those people who were just boring and didn’t had a social life but then I realized setting a budget is mandatory for an individual for living a happy life. It’s a great way to having control on your money.

I know sticking to a budget is kind of difficult task but the good thing is you’re capable of doing difficult things. You will make mistakes as no one is perfect but you will learn by time. But if you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck life you need to set a budget and follow it. It is the main key to control your spending.

Avoid using credit cards

Are you using credit card at the end of the month when you’re out of money? Maybe you’re a week out till your next paycheck arrives and you need to buy groceries, fuel up your vehicle or maybe buy something else so you put everything on the credit card thinking will pay it off when the paycheck arrives and yet you pay the minimum amount of credit card bill. The problem arrives at the end is you don’t have money to wipe all your credit card amount. This happens month after month and you wake up some day with thousands of dollars in credit card debt.

It’s time to avoid using credit cards as your safety net. It’s time to stop using it for other expenses at the end of the month. Try to stop the cycle. Try making a plan so that you no longer cover the normal expenses through credit card at the end of the month. You may have to go for side hustling to manage your expenses but trust me that’s worth it.

How To Become A Debt Free Person Mon, 21 Jun 2021 14:27:23 +0000 When I first decided to be debt free, I was very much scared and frustated and most importantly very confused that how to be a debt free person and once I became debt free, how did I managed to not go back in debt?

I knew I had to change my entire lifestyle. The way I used to spend had to completely change but I was ready for it. That’s when I started reading different blogs to know what are debt free people’s habits and how to adopt their lifestyle and become a debt free person. That’s when I got to know few habits of debt free people.

Stick To A Budget

Ofcourse it’s not a secret that you want to be a debt free person, the best way to begin is to allocate a budget to yourself on monthly basis. This will help you in paying your debt as soon as you get extra money. I know it’s difficult to sticking to a budget but I promise it’s not impossible.

Don’t Eat Out Every Day

Going out to eat food on restaurants every day will be expensive enough! Like when you’re going to restaurant you’re paying for convenience. Yes, I know it’s a happy feel when you get food served but also it’s costly when you add it all. If you want to save hundreds of bucks every month, I would suggest you to make a meal plan for everyday different dishes and limit other grocery items or limit yourself how many times a week you will go to a restaurant or not going at all.

Save Money

There will a day come when you’re retired. If you’re not saving money for your retirement, dont be too late to start doing it. It is the right time to do so you can pay off your debt and save money for retirement at the same time.

And maybe in a year you would be able to buy branded clothes, spend money on food and possibly go to vacations.

How To Pay Off Credit Card Loan Mon, 21 Jun 2021 10:42:02 +0000 Have you heard about the Snowball method to pay off the credit card debt, but this method won’t help you to pay off your credit card debt as fast as you can do it with other methods you will learn today.

This method of becoming credit card debt free will help you save money and improve your credit card score effectively.

To be very honest, this snowball method has helped thousands of people becoming debt free but I have an alternative method to doing it so which is much faster to pay off your credit card debt.

Our personal financial problem was credit card debt which was around $45,000. To make ourselves look and feel better we tried every single method to pay off your credit card debt. By the time we became debt free, we had almost 10 years of experience in financial services and we had knowledge of money other than what our bank accounts said.

The quickest way to pay off credit card debt is!

When we calculated the numbers that how many years it is going to take to pay off credit card debt through Snowball method it can take around eight to ten years to become debt free. I mean who is going to wait for eight to ten years?

We looked at all the factors doing it so, we created multiple spreadsheets and started calculating what is the factor which is taking long and we finally found out it was high-interest rates.

We calculated that we were paying upto $8000 annually in credit card interest payments with rates as much high as 21%. So we managed to reduce this factor.

$8000 is enough amount for a vacations twice a year. It’s you know around 400 bottles of wine which costs around $25. Paying off our credit card debt will help us give a raise of $8000 annually. What do you think you will do with $8000 if you boss raises your salary. You would have a fancy dinner and book a vacation immediately.

Three steps to earn more money while upgrading your career Tue, 18 May 2021 23:37:39 +0000 This is what I feel several people miss, It’s less complicated to pay in need of what you acquire once you procure additional. It’s likewise less complicated to attain your financial objectives. From my expertise, the foremost ideal route for an excellent many of us to accumulate additional is to develop their vocations. These days I want to point out you 3 alternative ways to develop your vocation with the goal that you just get additional cash-flow and appreciate additional noteworthy occupation fulfillment.

Stage One: Be Proactive

You may suppose this is not a tip, nevertheless it’s extremely an important starting. Proactivity is required for vocation action. (In the event that you just scan per week ago’s article from J.D., you presumptively undertand that coming up to be proactive is that the thanks to action in nearly each a part of your life.)

In light-weight of my perceptions, there ar 3 forms of laborers on the planet:

  • The “take the trail of travail-ers”. These people pay attention of their responsibilities and keep out of alternative people’s affairs. They take no matter comes their direction work smart — the nice and therefore the terrible. These may be unimaginable people, obviously, Go-with-the-stream staff get settle for the means things ar raises and advancements. what is additional, attempt to keep your hat on, those don’t seem to be high. no matter whether or not these people are superior staff, varied organizations can exploit them with low raises till they assert one thing — that they’re going to not on the grounds that they’re acceptive the means things are!
  • The “Diligent employees”. These individuals simply “try sincerely and let their endeavors represent themselves.” This procedure will probably provides a good result as once during a whereas organizations can understand nice execution. Be that because it could, it’s hit and miss for 2 reasons:
  • Frequently these people do work on things the organization won’t reward them for. Indeed, they’re finance the toil, but it’s misled and therefore the organization could not mind less.
  • Organizations by and huge ought to pay people as very little as can be expected. thus even people that strive sincerely and perform oftentimes get essential raises. Why pay them additional within the event that they’re going to still do work regardless?

The people World Health Organization are proactive. These people get taken note. They get heading. They get things going that the organization has to have occur, upset the cycle, and so they get paid additional and advanced. this can be the rationale being proactive is a necessary initial step for someone World Health Organization has to procure additional.

What’s the significance here to be proactive?

In the 1st place, it’s Associate in Nursing angle. you would like to grasp that no-one thinks typically additional regarding your vocation (and its financial effect) than you are doing. thus want|you would like|you wish} to accomplish one thing within the event that you just need one thing nice to occur. no one else can have a go at it for you.

Second, once you have the angle, you would like to create a move. What move you ought to create welcomes United States of America to the next stages on our summary

Stage Two: Discuss (and Document) Expectations

Suppose you recruit an individual to trim your grass. He charges $30 for the assistance. reciprocally for his work, he anticipates that you just ought to pay what you secured. reciprocally for installment, you’ve got sure assumptions for him.

You completely anticipate that he ought to cut the grass. you’ll likewise anticipate that he ought to either pack or neaten the clippings. you’ll likewise anticipate that he ought to edge the grass.

On the off likelihood that he will this stuff, you’re feeling fine giving him $30. You anticipated that he ought to do sure things, and he did them. You expected to pay him $30 and you probably did. All assumptions area unit met and also the installment is given. everyone is consummated.

Presently suppose instead of merely cutting the grass, tidying up the clippings, and border the yard he will considerably additional. He will an incredible job. Suppose he likewise manages your shrubberies, prepares the grass, and pulls weeds.

For this example, you’re keen on what he is drained lightweight of the very fact that he is accomplished over you anticipated. you’re glad to pay him $30. Truth be told, on the off likelihood that he required additional (i.e., raised his rates someday within the not too distant future), you’d seemingly compensation it since he did much more than anticipated.

Then again, suppose the yard fellow did not do what you anticipated. He took care of the field nevertheless left a wreck with the clippings and did not decide to edge. maybe he did some completely different errands he patterned you’d appreciate but did not — like modifying your elf family yard enhancements.

For this example, you’re feeling like your $30 has been wasted — at any rate to a restricted extent. He did not live up to your needs (or even approach). can you enlist him once more? maybe, on the off likelihood that you simply have to be compelled to. Yet, you for certain won’t compensation him additional. Indeed, you will request a rebate someday later.

So however ought to staff respond? It’s basic: They got to raise their manager what she anticipates.

  • I will not undergo the bit by bit cycle of the way to do that since I’ve effectively given subtleties away, nevertheless here are the features:
  • Set up a briefing to converse together with your chief. throughout a yearly audit is a unprecedented time.
  • Reveal to her that you simply opt to get particulars on what she anticipates that you ought to succeed.
  • Reveal to her the reason that you simply ought to apprehend these is that 1) you would like to be addressing what she feels is usually important and 2) you would like to be sure you are conveyance the outcomes she wants.
  • Then, have a discussion regarding her assumptions. Persuade her to be around as express as might very be expected and live at no matter purpose conceivable. “Develop deals” is useless since you do not have the foggiest plan what you are going for. “Develop deals five-hitter over a year ago” is express and one thing you’ll utilize.
  • Record the subtleties as you examine them, and consider to assumptions. this can be a to and for voice communication, and your info got to be necessary for the interaction. for example, if your supervisor says she anticipates that you simply ought to “develop deals by half” which isn’t wise, you would like to modify the discussion and consider to an possible (regardless of whether or not testing) objective.
  • Disclose to her you may record these in AN email and tell her audit simply to be sure you bought them OK.
  • Record them later and ship off your supervisor for endorsement. amendment reckoning on things till you get the alright.

Before I am going more, let me say that your manager can care for you for doing this. She’ll possibly be passed up your ability to raise and listen to her out. She’ll likewise be dazzled that you simply ought to perceive what the organization wants thus you’ll convey it. I notice that the modest bunch of times someone did this with me, I used to be excited to figure with them and to follow up later.

After the discussion, you recognize exactly what’s typically anticipated of you. You in addition have it recorded as a tough copy. there is not any house for mistake or misconstruing currently.

Stage Three: Over-Perform

Since you understand what is usually anticipated, is that this what you’re taking a stab at? most likely not. you create progress toward additional! Why? Since the organization is currently paying you to try and do those traditional errands! within the event that you just got to be paid additional, you would like to accomplish additional.

Return to the yard fellow. Would you pay him $50 on the off probability that he simply did what you anticipated? clearly not! You were able to pay all the additional simply on the off probability that he accomplished additional.

The people UN agency do specifically what is usually anticipated get essential raises — and they are lucky to induce those. they are currently being paid to require care of their responsibilities, thus why pay additional for merely that?

Yet, as so much as you may worry, the proactive vocation administrator, it’s a perfect chance to can work. you would like to over-convey contrasted together with your assumptions.

How would you over-convey? Here area unit a couple of models:

  • On the off probability that you just can doubtless “develop deals five-hitter over a year ago”, mean to develop them V-day.
  • On the off probability that you just can doubtless “cut expenses by $100k this year”, cut them by $125k.
  • On the off probability that you just can most likely “join fifty new clients”, join 75.
  • You get the thought. simply accomplish quite what you and your manager concurred was traditional.

As you come through these objectives, do not expect your supervisor is aware of regarding however you are over-performing. She’s a active individual further and has her own objectives to attain, thus she most likely will not be following your advancement that intently. that’s the explanation you would like to habitually prompt her.

There square measure some other ways to try to to this: as a element of traditional reports, in one-on-one gatherings, at cluster gatherings, etc. I enclosed numbers/information therefore clearly I used to be accomplishing over anticipated. I knew it and my supervisor knew it.

This way you’ll each be in total agreement — you may systematically facilitate her to recollect what is usually anticipated even as however you are achieving over that.
