When we bought a house, I was very much worried about the expense that we had to purchase for the new house. Everything related to yard, new furniture and all to set our new house. As a newly married couple we always lived in small apartments, so yard was my first experience to take care of. I was so upset with the price of lawnmower when we first went to buy it, it was quite expensive anyways, we ended buying a cheap one though. Well, that backfired, we bought an expensive one the next summer.
I am glad that the lawnmower we bought last for more than five years and still counting. I have learned in my life that sometimes you have to buy something expensive that will actually last long and help you save your money rather than buying same item again and again on cheap price. Here are few things that you might want to buy in order to save your money.
Having a lunchbox daily means that you will not eat your lunch out. Image just eating once or twice out in a week will help you save around $50-$60 each week. Not only it will save your money but home food will make you healthier.
If you’re a TV lover, you might want to subscribe for Netflix since I don’t have any cable channels. I don’t like feel I’m missing something out I can watch everything on Netflix though. It barely costs me $15 each month for the Netflix services.
Water bottle
There’s no hidden fact that a water bottle can save you lot of bucks over time. If you’re buying one pack of water bottles for each week it will cost you around $150. It doesn’t sound much for a time being but if you calculate it for 4 or 5 years it will cost you around $650-$700. Imagine just buying reusable water bottles twice a year it would save money and much better for the environment as well.